Monday 5 June 2023

Prairie Pawnee Park

One Sunday afternoon I made the kids walk with me to Prairie Pawnee Park.  It's was so pretty in the spring.  It's fairly far to walk there from our house, but then we hiked through it to the park area and Leo came and picked us up.  We also picked up 4 or so ticks who came along for the ride as well. 🤮
So different from Wyoming!
I love the blue and green contrast!
Sebas never can take a picture normally. 😂

Oh, never mind, I guess he can.
Efraim rode his bike and had a blast on the trails...until he didn't and then I carried it.


I don't know why the eye is there.
Do you see the deer? There was a doe and her fawn.

And mushrooms.  Don't know why, but there they are. Anyways, good times.  I should drag my kids on walks more often.

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