Wednesday 23 September 2020

The Vacation Where Everything Went Wrong....

BUT was still fun!!  (For the most part anyway.)  We decided to go to Flaming Gorge with Megan's family since our planned vacation through South and North Dakota was cancelled due to Covid. Only Megan changed the week they were going because stuff for them was cancelled too.  :(  
We rented an RV, and when Leo went to pick it up, the people who had rented it before us, hadn't even returned it yet. So Leo had to wait for them in SLC and then wait for it to be cleaned--the company did take some of the cost off.  
Then we loaded it up and Leo took it to fill it up with water and dropped me off at Walmart to get some last minute things (we weren't very prepared--I worked a bunch of extra shifts all the days beforehand).  Only the water gauge in the RV wasn't working so it actually didn't get filled up with water--found that out later that night of course.  It was really late when we arrived at the campsite, practically dark, we had lost almost a full day, and it was raining.  We didn't even bother making or eating dinner it was so late.  And then we discovered we had no water and our campground had no water.  Luckily I had made Leo bring extra water in our 72 hour water storage containers, but still, not enough for a week of camping. 
So then we spent the next day in Manilla filling the RV with water at a KOA, and Leo discovered they hadn't emptied the grey water (ewwww...) and he had to empty that too.  And I went to buy more stuff we forgot (I hadn't touched our camping tote since YW's camp two years before) at the only tiny store in town and then the power went out all over town, so they couldn't check me out even. Finally, once the power came back on a couple hours later, and everything was filled and emptied, we decided to head to a closer campground right by Flaming Gorge, which was kind of odd for us because it was at the end of parking lot.  But since we were there in the middle of the week, we did get the nicest spot.  So that's the second day pretty much wasted.  Anyway, here's pictures of our kids bored, waiting through all of this in the car.  


And pretty Flaming Gorge.  
Efraim was very impressed with himself because he could do this trick!  Ha ha!

And our campground.  That's us way in the back.

And then while Leo was setting up the RV this time, a jack that supported one side broke.  So we couldn't have even driven it anywhere without fixing it first.  
So then another day of the week, instead of doing what we had planned, we drove to Vernal to buy parts, and got stuck in a cattle drive. Yeehaw.  
The pictures don't really convey the size of the cattle drive.  It was quite large, with a lot of cowboys (extended family members it looked like--young kids to grandparents) pushing them along the narrow winding road.  

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