Sunday 24 February 2019

Another hectic week

What Jubal does the WHOLE time.

1. On Monday it was a holiday and we've been practicing a page from a Spanish dictionary every week and once the kids pass off four pages, we've promised them an activity or treat.  They chose swimming for the first activity.  It was tons of fun. I took Efraim to physical therapy (for in-toeing) half way through and he was so mad.  He LOVES the water.  He was so independent, he didn't want anyone helping him.  Luckily his head is just above the water in the kids' pool.  Elena met a friend there and stayed even longer and so did Isabel.  Sebastian had a friend there too.  Small towns are nice that way.

2. I almost finished my sewing goals for the month, but I ran out of ribbon.  Paniers for me and Elena,  bum pad for Isabel, and pockets for all three of us. (not pictured.) And Elena and Isabel's stays.

 3. Efraim wanted chocolate milk but I wouldn't give it to him so he threw his cup of water on the floor.  A little while later he decided he was thirsty enough to drink it anyway.

Jubal's snow angel.

4. On Wednesday night our ward had a chili and ice skating party.  It was so much fun!  But we got quite a few wrong sizes of skates from the rec center and while we were able to pass the sizes down to the younger kids, Elena and Isabel went back with Leo to get new ones, so really they didn't end up getting to skate much.  In fact, Isabel ate dinner once she got back and had left her skates by the door so someone picked them up and returned them.  So she didn't get to skate at all.  She was not happy!  Hysterically sobbing actually.  Sigh.  I was so impressed with Lando--he fell down every five seconds but he was happy the whole time and just kept getting back up and trying again--never whined once.

5.  On Wednesday I went to Salt Lake City and helped fill bags for RootsTech.  It was a long day but listening to audio books helped.  And they did provide a yummy catered lunch to all the volunteers.   I didn't get back till really late--the weather was horrible by Park City and I had to drive really slowly.

6. I caught a cold, Efraim had it last week and was miserable, then Leo and Elena got it, then I got it, and I think Jubal and Isabel are coming down with it now.  Hopefully I'm better by the time RootsTech happens.

7.  Elena had another swim meet on Saturday (the week before hers had been cancelled due to weather.) She had a great time--Rawlins Middle School was there so she got to see her friend Bri. And she did really well in her races.

8.  Isabel went to physical therapy for in-toeing too--all caused by weak hip muscles likely due to being breech.  Now I get to coach her twice a day in doing all her hip exercises.  I wonder if me being breech is the reason why I have arthritis in my hip already.

And that is all.

1 comment:

Kayli said...

Good work on all your sewing projects!!