Saturday 16 February 2019

This week was better. (Now two weeks.)

1. My beautiful niece Olivia was married a week ago.  I'm so happy for her!! Eric, her husband, is so kind.  I love their wedding photos!  So cool. 

2. I got my glassed adjusted because they got stepped on so I was just checking out these red ones while I waited.  I like them.

3.  Cute Nicolas. For Valentine's Day they had a Fairy Tale Ball and they were supposed to come as their favorite fairy tale character.  He went as Merlin, because we kind of had a costume for that.

3. My fabric came for my Rococo dress.  YAY!! I chose a darker green, because really, it's prettier.  My sister said it looks good as is, and I don't really need to do much else.  Hee. Hee.

4. Leo took Isabel and Elena to a Daddy Daughter dance at the Rec center for Valentine's Day.  It was more for little girls than Elena's age, but they've never been able to do something like that before and so I thought why not.  They had fun, so it was good.

5. Leo took Isabel, Sebastian and Nicolas to a Jazz game that he was given tickets to from his work.  They got fancy seats and food included.  Lucky them!  They really enjoyed it. Elena was at her first swim meet in Jackson Hole so she couldn't go.

6. Leo saw these on his way home from work.

7. This was at Elena's home meet on Tuesday.  I wasn't able to go the whole time, but I was able to at least see her last race.  She was killing it.  Seriously she's the one ahead of everyone else in the video.

8. It has been cold and so much snow!!  I'm a bit ready for spring. This was at Elena's school one morning.
9.  We took the kids to a Kids Fair one night.  Jubal got a free shirt and we got hotdogs and the kids got to play different games and get their faces painted, jump in a bouncy house, etc.
10. We went to Wicked and out to eat with Megan and Jared and Clay and Amy on Valentine's Day.  Mom and Dad and Ethan and Kourtney and Andrea and Tim were all supposed to come, but they bailed on us.  It was funny because we were going to eat at the Cheesecake Factory and when talking to Megan beforehand I asked if she was going to make reservations (because it was Valentine's) but Cheesecake Factory doesn't take reservations anyway, we got there and it was packed so we ended up eating at the food court at the City Creek Mall. Ha. Ha.  We had a great time though.
11. I got a job at the Rec Center in the nursery/child care.  It's only 4 hours a week and I can take the boys with me.  I decided to do that because I wanted the money to pay for family history research in Colombia, to get the boys out of the house here (there's no play group in our ward--boo!) and so I could have a free membership and hopefully feel encouraged to exercise in one of their fitness classes or run.  I get free child care with it too, so it's nice.

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