Monday 9 April 2018

Phone download

These are from March off my phone.

The boys are weird and watch tv in bins.

We made marshmallow eggs.  These were delicious!!!  And horrible for my diet.  Ana said they were the best marshmallow anything she'd ever had.

Lando is excited for soccer to start.

Lando and Jubal and Efraim went with me to the chiropractor.  We browsed through the Hat Creek Saddle shop  for fun too and hung out at the park by the Platte for a while.

My kids put one pine cone on each log.  Weird again.

My kids need gum boots.

I think this was in February.  We went to the piano teacher's to drop off Sebas's piano books which I forgot to send with him to school.  I do that every. single. Monday.

Jubal destroys things.

Efraim grabbed a razor I had in a package under the sink and cut himself, we couldn't get him to leave the bandaid on so we wrapped up his whole hand.

Jubal bored....

I made a wedding dress for a friend's daughter.  She was Amy in the play Little Women.  Her sister was Meg.

She LOVED her wedding dress.  So despite it being 1830's not 1880's (nothing in the play was historically accurate at all) I was pretty pleased.  Plus just look at that awesome pleating in the sleeves!!  The sleeves are awesome.

I also made her a night gown for another scene.  And that's all on my phone catch up.  Except these videos are definitely worth your time to watch!!!  Don't miss them!

1 comment:

Kayli said...

Holy that pleating!!! Well done, Kamicita!