Thursday 21 July 2016

Martin's Cove and Independence Rock for Independence Day

Since we really didn't have much time at Martin's Cove on Isabel's birthday, we decided to head back there for the 4th of July.  It was nice because it was practically empty.  However it was hot and windy and the kids enthusiasm quickly faded.  VERY quickly.

But we got our handcart and pressed on to Martin's Cove.

Isabel and Elena were mad at us (because we wouldn't let them ride in the cart) and walked far ahead, until the nice missionaries warned us to keep them close due to snakes on the trail.

This was the point when Sebastian had to ride in the handcart.

All in all not the best time for the kids, but oh well.  On the way back we put ALL the kids in the handcart (Ana was working that day) and hauled back to the visitor's center, the missionaries have all the handcarts tracked on GPS and they were impressed with our speed.  It also helped that I needed a restroom and the wind was pushing us--literally pushing us.

Split Rock (where we played a week or two before) from Martin's Cove.  Next point of reference from Devil's Gate on the Oregon Trail.

And then of course, we headed to Independence Rock (because it was Independence Day).

It was really cool, and I'd actually like to go back and climb on it again and spend more time, because we only stayed for about 20 mins.  The kids would have played there much longer, but the missionaries had invited us to a bbq at Martin's Cove.  We thought it would be more general people, but it wasn't, it was the senior missionary couples  It was a bit awkward.  But yummy, and I didn't have to cook, so I was happy.  Then we stayed for their program, sang some songs, and headed home, where we watched fireworks that night.  I was pretty impressed, they were really good.  And it was hysterical, because the kids were all playing across the parking lot and Jubal was running over to join  them when the fireworks started and Jubal turned on his heel and headed straight back to me with a look of sheer terror on his face.  Leo and I were laughing SO hard.  He kept his head covered for a bit and then enjoyed the rest of them.  Good times.  I think this is Ana and Tristin that night--she went to go watch fireworks with him.  

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