Sunday, 24 August 2014

Nuthouse News

1. Leo flew home from Torreon, Mexico today via Mexico City, and on the way he sat by a guy that people kept coming up to, and asking to have their pictures taken with him. Leo didn't know who he was, but found out he was Miguel Herrera, head soccer coach of Mexico's team. No picture, though. And actually, he didn't even talk to him.  They were both sleeping most of the trip, except when Miguel Herrera was taking pictures with half the plane, and people out on the jetway, and in waiting area, etc. He was pretty much mobbed the whole time.  Leo said he was really nice and pleasant to every one that came up to ask for a picture though.  That's nice.

2. Here's some pictures of Torreon. Leo actually didn't have a camera, but gracias la web para los photos.  How's that for Spanglish? 
 He said it was really pretty like Southern Utah, but unfortunately he thought the whole trip was rather lame because they couldn't go out and sight see or explore at all because Torreon is not very safe. A year ago it was listed as the 7th most dangerous city in the world. And he said the food wasn't that good either.  Poor Leo.  

3.  I am so glad my children are heading back to school.  The last two weeks have finally brought me to that stage in summer when you want to strangle your children.  School starts Monday. Hooray!  Ana went to Freshman Orientation this past week, and I went to meet the teachers with Isabel and Elena.  I'll only have boys at home come Monday.  Weird.

4.  Here's some pictures of Ana from her Nauvoo trip.

 5. I cleaned up my room and sewing room.  It took the last three days.  Not that my room is a pig sty or anything, it's just that papers had piled up and fabric had piled up, and my kids' clothes that needed to go in the attic because they had outgrown them had piled up, etc.  And then my friend gave us 6 huge totes of toys that I went through and it literally took 3 hours.  I let the little girls keep a bunch of barbies and barbie clothes and gave another two totes of toys away to another friend, and the rest I might try to sell on Craigslist.  Seriously, after letting my girls keep 10 or more barbies, Ana counted and we're still getting rid of 56 more.  Crazy, eh?  Meanwhile I have 3 more totes still piled up in my room (I consolidated some and used the extra totes to stash more fabric that's been piling up on the floor by my sewing table--another friend gave me a bunch of velvet!  Sweet!)  Oh, and I restacked all these soup cans from our shelves that Nicolas plays with while I sew.  It really was a lot of work!  But on the up side, I found a small box of Smarties today in my closet that I immediately devoured.  Yum!

6.  I finished all my dying and I am so excited to start sewing the kids' Halloween costumes!  
Seriously, it's my favorite project part of the year!!!  I LOVE it!

7. I have such nice friends here.  After I told Ana's best friend Alyssa's mom, (follow that?) that Leo was gone all week at church this past Sunday, she came and took the oldest 5 on Tuesday night and fed them dinner and let them play in their pool. Then another friend, Brittney, took the 3 middle ones on Thursday to play at her house for a couple hours, and another friend Karen, took them on Wednesday for almost half the day (her son Chase and Sebastian are best friends, and her daughter Audrey and Elena are best friends as well. Isabel just tags along.) I feel so spoiled.  Here's some pictures of Ana and Alyssa, just because, from last year.  

8. Jubal has grown so much, he's not fitting newborn clothes anymore. Leo can't believe how chubby he's gotten in one week. I should take more pictures. Here's some attempts at a good baby announcement photo though. Seriously, he looks so much more chubby now than in these photos.  I love baby rolls!

9. And photos of my other hooligans.

10. I have no idea why my pictures are coming out so grainy.  I really need to fix my camera somehow.  Yuck.

11. And I think I'll end here for tonight.  Time for bed.  Adios amigos.


Kayli said...

That picture of Elena holding Jubal is so cute!!! Ana is so pretty!

Andrea said...

Ana--you're a model. Love all the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Ana and Aylsssa could be twins in that pic. So beautiful - both of them. Love the pics. Jubal is getting so big.!!!!! Glad you had a good week and have such good friends.
Love you. Mom