Monday 8 August 2016

I'm behind and skipping ahead....

So i'm completely skipping our family reunion (but trust me, it was awesome) because I never got out my camera. We came home after spending a little over week in Utah and I was on a roll--I guess I was pretty rejuvenated after our vacation.  But I cleaned and organized the garage, well really the kids cleaned it out--they were great helpers!--and then I put everything away and organized it.  I also finished a bunch of other things around the house that I can't remember now.  The garage was the big one, but now, Leo can FINALLY park his car inside.  Then Kayli and her family stopped at our house on their way back to PA!!!  Yay!!!  It was so fun.    It was also Jubal's birthday.  He turned two years old.  And he got a wagon *cough--for yard work--cough* which he likes being pulled around in.  I think Kayli should come back so the kids can play in the wagon again.


Kayli said...

YAY that we got to hang out!! Thanks again for those bacon tomato sandwiches. They were particularly wonderful.

Andrea said...

Awesome cake!! You're right--that is a stellar wagon. Jubal looks so cute in that green outfit.