Wednesday 17 January 2024

Homecomings and September Things 2022

Most of the kids in our ward went to Eisenhower High School, Kate and Elena were the only LDS kids, (I think there was another boy actually), at Goddard High School.  So Kate and Elena went with dates to the homecoming dance at Eisenhower a week after the one at Goddard. The Fawsons are always amazing and had all the kids come to their house for photos beforehand.  This was the weekend I was in Arkansas.

Elena and her date, Michael.

My parents were leaving on their mission to Fort Bluff, where they had to dress in costume.  I made my mom one dress, and then this one just because.  It was a little too small unfortunately. 
I also made her the period accurate bonnet, but that was a bit much. They are hard to see in, no peripheral vision whatsoever.  I thought it was cute anyway.
Our always Eeyore Nicolas.
Playdough!  I think Efraim was begging me to make him some for a long time.

After the air show, (the weekend before) Elena went with a group of friends to Homecoming at Goddard High School.  Kate, her best friend, came to pick her up, and it was so funny because they had bought the exact same dress off of Amazon without knowing it, just in different colors. (Yep, these pictures are all out of order.)

I love driving past the fields on the way to pick up the kids.  I think this is soybeans.
And this one is sorghum.

Jubal made some videos.

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