Sunday 31 January 2021

Quarantined Again!!!


Leo and I went out for Sushi on the 2nd of Jan.  SOOOO GOOD!!!  I was in heaven.  And then I went to work and Covid went rampant through our facility, and I caught Covid 19.  Which I didn't know so we went to Megan's with the kids and played with her adorable puppies and exposed my parents. Yikes!  Luckily they didn't get it.  We thought we were good for a couple of months d/t being exposed to Elena and Isabel in November.  We certainly didn't isolate then. 

And Leo caught it, and we were quarantined again for 2 weeks.  Sigh.  We were not so great about the boys doing their school work this time at all, well we slept most of the days for a week straight anyway, so we didn't have much energy to enforce a schedule.  Luckily the girls had already had it and didn't have to quarantine.  We both lost our sense of taste and smell, and I had a high fever the one night and just felt awful.  But the rest of the time, we mostly just felt tired.  And here's my Covid memes for you.  

The kids played with play dough a lot and watched a lot of tv and played Minecraft for hours on end.  Once I started feeling better I worked on a quilt and sewed my corded petticoat that I've had the supplies for since Houston.  Sigh.  It was perfect to sew then, because I didn't have to think or figure anything out.  I was way too tired for that. 
Without corded petticoat on left, with on right.  Love the difference it makes and I need to redo the whole top of that dress. Yuck. Efraim said I looked like a princess though and I wore it the whole rest of the night.

After my quarantine ended, I went back to work and covered a bunch of shifts because all the night shift nurses were out with Covid.  I was mostly okay, but one night I felt awful and couldn't breathe and finally gave myself a nebulizer treatment.  

Leo looking gorgeous after quarantine ended. I also made Sebas's Wilbur Wright costume for his wax museum assignment.  
And became hugely motivated to sew historical costumes again.  Seriously, this is the year!  After our quarantine ended we also went and had a super fun dinner with Kayli and Brett, and Andrea and Tim.  We all picked a Ted talk and then we all watched each others, which led to some interesting conversations.  I highly recommend it.  I made Cors de la Creme for desert.  Yum!

And Isabel's hilarious notes she wrote to herself.  Her and Elena just started swim team.  

Nicolas's epic marble run he built.

And that was most of January.

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