Sunday 3 May 2020

Hanging with Kayli's fam

I loved this post above!! So awesome.  We did watch the new Emma movie with Kayli and her girls and Brynne too.  And then we watched Clueless and pieces of Ten Things I Hate About You, and then the marriage proposal scene in the new Emma movie about 15 times.  It was the best thing ever.  We laughed SO HARD.

We decorated Easter eggs too.  And then the girls went through all the dress up clothes.

Efraim loved Navy's Anna dress.

 After the train tracks we went to the state park, but I had to work so Kayli just hung out longer with the kids.

And some more coronavirus/Spanish flu memes going around that I liked.

And then Kayli got a flat tire right outside of town so Leo had to come rescue them.  I love that man!

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