Friday 8 September 2017

The Eclipse 2017

So I didn't look up how to take Eclipse pictures, and I don't know how to work my camera for even taking pictures in the dark.  So apologies.  But the eclipse was way cooler than I expected it to be.  And I thought my kids would be whiney and not care. They all LOVED it and were so excited and well behaved.  Amazing.

We went to Independence Rock.  It was in totality, close, fun for the kids to play on even if they hated the eclipse,  and I hoped to miss any traffic from Casper.  It worked on all points. Yay. Plus there were pools of water from the last rain which provided endless fun.

Quite a few people were gathered.

***You can start to see the lighting change in the next couple pictures.

And it got cold!!!  REALLY fast!!  That was weird too actually.

I don't have good photos, and I was switching between taking photos and video and Efraim was actually crawling all over me during it too, but you can kind of see that it did get dark.  It was cool how fast it got dark though.  That was really neat.

The BEST part was the 360 degree sunset/sunrise.  Independence Rock was the perfect place for seeing that.

  Jubal grabbed some random stranger's hand (an older man's) and he helped him all the way down off the rock.  It was funny.  And awkward.  Good times.

And here's some videos.  Just because.

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