Monday 16 July 2007

Nothing Exciting

Hi All!

I just thought I'd take a moment to post more cute pictures of my adorable daughter. Today is good! I finally was given a storage unit in our basement to use (albeit they say they get broken into once a month on average). Really, if they want my nursing textbooks, by all means, take them. The bike too, it's a wreck, and I don't know how Leo feels about his engineering textbooks, but they better not touch my past issues of the National Geographic--I have a feeling no one will though. Anyway, so I packed the rest of our stuff in there today. Life is so good when Leo gets home. He was gone for four days, and it was miserable. I broke two glasses while washing the dishes. Our oven's heater thing is in the broiler, hence the cookies I made were burnt on the bottom and gooey on top. Any suggestions to fix that problem anyone? I also broke my glasses, and my contacts are the wrong prescription, so my left eye twitches a lot because it's tired. So you see how my weekend went without Leo. I did read a lot of books. Many, MANY books. Five actually, that's a lot for me in recent years. I highly recommend most of them too. The best ones were The King of Attolia and The Thief by Megan Turner. It's a series but I read the middle book, The Queen of Attolia first and then the King, and then The Thief which is actually the first book. Excellant!!! Best series I've read in a long, long time. Then I read By These Ten Bones--nice, chilling werewolf tale. I also enjoyed it a lot. Then I read The Goose Girl, which I liked too, I've always liked that fairy tale. And I read Zorro by Isabel Allende. Not my favorite, but alright. Kind of borderline cheesy. Anyway, so that was fun. Also to cheer me up this weekend, I was walking out to my car on Sunday and two 7-8? yr. old girls were playing on the steps and one said, "You're baby is very pretty!" To which I said, "Thank you." Then she said, "You're very pretty too!" To which I said "Thank you," again, but now that little girl is my new favorite little girl in the whole state. Hee. Hee. Well, I better get going and do the ironing. But here's the cute picts of Elena. She thinks she needs to stand where ever she is, hence her two big bruises on her face. She also likes to pull things out of drawers. Such an endearing habit. Hee. Hee. Well have a fabulous day. Read the Attolia series!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Elena is so cute!! We can't wait to see you guys! Only one more week (give or take a day).
