Thursday 3 October 2024

Sep 6, 2023: Flying Kites at Simon Bolivar Park

Leo also took us to Simon Bolivar Parque to go kite flying.  It is a VERY Colombian thing to do.  In fact all around the park, street vendors sell homemade-ish kites of all shapes and sizes.  Lando brought his kite that he earned by moving mulch in Kansas, but I think it's dead--it didn't really work at all.  He was very sad and I felt bad for him because I really did try to buy him a nice kite, he had worked really hard. 
Efraim was the king or something.

Aww, my sweet girls!


I love Jubal.

A kite graveyard.

I have the handsomest husband!! 😍😍

It was a chill afternoon and just nice to be outside in the sunshine and with Leo.  We all miss him a lot when he's gone for so long.  
Traffic that night driving back.  It's always bad.

Simon Bolivar Park is kind of like Central Park in New York. It's huge.  We were in just one small section.
And all the photos set to music, because why not?