Thursday 3 October 2024

September 2023

This is the second closest we've ever lived to the temple--only 5.4 km away!  (We lived closer in Provo.)


  The kids go once a month with the ward and they got empanadas after.  Farr ice cream vs empanadas would be a hard choice for me as favorite after-temple-treat.
This was the kids playing duck duck goose one day after church.
And this is Jubal in the tree.  Nicolas, Efraim, and him live in that tree every Sunday after church.  One Sunday Nicolas fell and totally the knocked the wind out of him. 🫣

I bought fairy lights for the girls' room, it just made it so much more homey.
After seeing the Venezuelan money made into origami, the boys had to try out the same style at home.  
The girls also spent a lot of time trying out new hairstyles from YouTube.  We were still pretty bored all the time at this point.  Our limbo life was weird. I finally caved and bought a TV but only let them watch it in Spanish. I still tried to drag them outside though. There are some hiking trails, but I was hesitant about trying those because the Alltrails reviews mentioned going on the weekend when the police/security guards are stationed along them. It was still a bit intimidating taking the kids places on my own. Plus the traffic--Bogota is consistently rated in the top 10 cities for worst traffic in the world (along with Manila and Mumbai). We did have a taxi driver watching an anime show on a cell phone propped up behind his steering wheel once.

One week, I was going to have Leo call some places to see if I could take the kids to a swimming pool or something, but the hurricane near Florida delayed flights so he won't be able to come at all that week.

In happier news, we sold our house in Wichita. Yay! 

At our favorite fruteria near our house.

The produce here is so AMAZING!!! It's one of the things I'm going to miss the most.
Jubal's eating a tangelo--they are so yummy!!  Juicy like naval oranges but the flavor is like a cross between a naval orange and a grapefruit.  Deliciously slightly sour/sweet.

What was really sad about being in Colombia is that we couldn't see this cute boy more.  Seriously, he's the cutest grandbaby ever!!!!  

Ana looking smashing as well.  And yep, I totally intend on forever stealing photos of Ana and her family and posting them on here from now on.  Because I miss them.
Beef stew and arepas.  Yum.
Elena got her wisdom teeth out.  It cost us about $80 per tooth.  That was awesome.  Elena didn't like that she wasn't put under though, I tried to explain that neither was I, and that's okay, but she didn't believe me.  It think it's just the norm in the US now and not really necessary.  BUT Elena was so tough and walked home with me even though I offered to get an Uber.
View from the dental office.
Poor Elena recovering from her wisdom teeth removal.
I found a fabric store a block from our house.
Ana was so incredibly sweet!!  She sent us the best present ever--seriously every time I look at them I'm grateful.  She sent us the Family Proclamation, the Proclamation about Christ, a gorgeous painting of Christ, and some faux plant hangings because I had been whining about how our house didn't feel welcome because of the lack of decorations.  It was so incredibly thoughtful!  And she picked really pretty ones!
Leo took me out on a date one night when he was back.  It was a  Boyacense parilla resturant (grilled cebu). Not as good as Angus, but I never would turn down a steak.

Google photo translate is the bomb!!!  Love it!!! We did not try the chicken neck. I've seen them sold by street vendors too, umm I'd rather eat ants any day.
Even thought the kids STILL hadn't started school--it was the most ridiculous process ever!!--Elena and Isabel did start seminary.
I took the kids to get their yellow fever vaccine at the airport--free, but we waited hours.   I had read on a Facebook expat group that waiting would happen so we came prepared with books and sketch pads.  Isabel literally sobbed about getting the shot, she's terrified of shots.  Poor girl. 

Saint Elena.  
 So as a treat after we had some parilla (grilled meat) and coconut lemonade (our favorite). Plus it was a really long day and I didn't want to cook.  Patacones, French fries, and meat. My kids miss salad to tell the truth. Carbs and protein and fruit is the Colombian diet.
 Although Sebas here seems to be enjoying his fish head.
Isabel helped me carry home some last minute shopping.

Just hanging out in our yard.

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