Friday 11 October 2024

In Medellín For the Night

After we had very quickly decided to move to Colombia, Leo and I tried to also quickly decide where we wanted to go visit the most once we got there.  We initially thought Cartagena and Santa Marta right off the bat, and Leo had heard of San Gil, Santander and wanted to go there, and I thought seeing the whales in Bahia Solano would also be so cool.  Once we arrived in Colombia, I started looking through the information and decided I DEFINITELY wanted to go to Bahia Solano.  We still thought we were only staying for a year at this point, so even though September and October were late in the season to see whales, I thought it would be our only chance. So Leo and I planned a quick trip to Bahia Solano.  In hind sight, I wish we had gone to Cartagena and Santa Marta in October and gone to Bahia Solano the next August.  But we didn't know we'd still be here or that's when Leo would get vacation time. Anyway, off to Choco we went!
We spent the night in Medellín, I can understand why it's called the City of Eternal Spring, it is really beautiful.  Also, they've made green corridors all over the city.  Here's a blurb from BBC about them: "Medellín... started its "green corridors" programme in 2016 due to concern about air pollution and rising heat. Composed of more than 30 green corridors, it connects newly-greened road verges, vertical gardens, streams, parks and nearby hills. Initially the project involved planting some 120,000 individual plants and 12,500 trees on roads and in parks, with 2.5 million new smaller plants and 880,000 trees planted across the city by 2021. The idea was to connect green spaces in the city together through avenues and streets surrounded by trees and shade...The project has now become well-known around the world due to its striking results in cooling the city (by 2C). As well as reducing heat, experts say it holds promise in improving air quality and that it has brought back wildlife to the city."
Anyway, it's a huge tourist spot now, and most expats live there rather than the "cold" Bogotá.  We stayed the night in a nice hotel and just walked next door to eat, so we didn't really see much.  But we were all in such good moods.  Everyone was excited and happy for the trip. 
Leo was kind of disgusted that we wanted pizza and hamburgers, but it was really good!
Here's from my Facebook post:  In Medellín tonight!  It's a beautiful city, wish we were staying more than a couple hours, just dinner and sleeping and we're on our way to the rainforest.  So excited!!!!  Also Efraim tonight, wow, he was dancing and trying to photo bomb each picture, and for being such a runty kid (I said that lovingly) he eats as much as Jubal and Nicolas. I love watching my kids grow up.
See what I mean?  Efraim was so hyper that evening!

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