Tuesday 20 February 2024

Decorating for Christmas!!

After being exhausted the Christmas before d/t moving and painting and sadness from moving, this year I went all out.  The kids were sad we couldn't go cut down our own tree, like we had done ONE time in Wyoming, so I found a nearby tree farm to go cut down a tree at.  Only it had a cute little Christmas gift shop and the kids got to see Santa, and that was an added bonus I didn't expect.  It was fun!

They also gave you rides to where the different trees were planted. 

Against everyone's wishes, I picked this one. And I picked good!!  Jubal was so distraught by his tree not being picked though that Leo had to carry him to the tractor trailer and he's not even in these photos.  Sigh.

Look at how beautiful though!!! 
I love Christmas so so so MUCH!!!  and yeah, I pull out my favorite nativity painting just for Christmas every year. 

So I may have spent a bunch of money the Christmas before when I was more upset about moving than I expected and bought a lot of new pieces to my nativity.  Don't really regret that, but hey, if our house ever burns down, at least now I have proof for my insurance claim because these added up.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜¬
And our fun tree downstairs.  I love this tree too, but I want a bigger one so I can buy more funky ornaments like our bacon and eggs one and pink poodle.   So fun!!!

I love that I get both Christmas styles, pink and colorful and crazy, and the classic red and white and elegant.

Also, so true.  This is the best Christmas movie, and really the best version of the Christmas Carol by FAR!!!!

And my pretty tree again because 😍πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜

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