Monday 14 October 2024

The Most Gorgeous Beach Ever

The beach was so insanely beautiful, and besides a motorcycle going by once or twice every couple of days, we saw no one on it.  We were the only ones for as far as the eye could see in either direction.  
We loved it!!! 
See nothing and nobody as far as the eye could see. 
The waves were crazy fierce!
Sebastian, Elena, Isabel and I played in the waves that first afternoon until it started pulling us under--the tide was so strong!
But it was a blast before we were worn out. 
So that was a lid of a plastic drum that my kids found to body board on.  Truth of it is, despite the gorgeous beach, there was trash everywhere on the wrack line.  My kids also found a piece of plywood that they tried to use as a body board too.  
It's crazy the difference from when the tide is out like in this photo, and when the tide is in like below.
And all those logs and debris would just be completely tossed in the surf.  It was crazy!
I actually had a video of how much plastic was on the beach--SOOOO many Crocs--in fact when I asked my kids what trash they remember seeing the most, they all said CROCS immediately--but also toothbrushes, flip flops,  bottle caps, dental floss containers, I mean, you name it, it was on the beach.  But mostly Crocs.   But anyway, the video was on my phone that was eaten by the ocean on this trip.
Yeah, whenever the tide started coming in the hotel staff would start getting so nervous about our kids being out there.  Justifiably so, really.  I mean those logs were huge and they were just being tossed around like nothing.
But still, despite the trash and the somewhat scary surf, it was stunning!!
Although to be fair, I think my kids and I remember it more fondly the more time has passed and the inconveniences and trash are a bit more forgotten.
I would go back in a heartbeat though.  

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