Thursday 17 October 2024

At Tortuga Bay Eco Hotel

The hotel we stayed at was gorgeous!!!  It was the only place in El Valle with room when we decided on our last minute trip. I can't say that I was sad about that.  I would go back in a heartbeat.

We had most of our meals there,  and it was typical Colombian fare, soup, rice, patacones, and a side of meat (fish, chicken or pork), and a fruit juice.  It was okay, not the best, but far from the worst I've had in Colombia.  
And we discovered we could have fresh coconut whenever we wanted and it that was the most delicious thing ever!! Yum!!!

The guy would just cut us open one with his machete.  

I love Efraim's cute face.


Swimming really tires every one out.
And one of the many painted ghost crabs my kids caught.
Sebastian is amazingly patient and adept at catching things!

One day in and we all were already sunburnt.

Leo's and I had one of the lovely private rooms on stilts, but the kids were in a large bedroom that was on the left and part of the main hotel above.  It had two sets of bunkbeds and a queen bed, and a bathroom.  The kids said their bathroom was like their own nature show with ants everywhere and geckos eating the ants, etc.  Leo and I had a few spiders we shared our bathroom with too.  But it was all good, we loved it.

This was in Leo's and my room.  I had taken better photos, but that's a tale for another post.
And our room while we tried to dry everyone's towels.

The kids just hung out at our room anyway.

We saw so many Jesus lizards, and I can't believe how fast they are.  I mean I knew they ran across water, but I'd always seen them in videos with slow motion, in real life, I couldn't even really follow them with my eyes.

This was the on the porch in front of the kids room.  They really couldn't complain about their view either.
Sebastian also caught this giant toad.  It was massive!
And everyone's combined seashell collection.

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