Friday 23 February 2024

Sebastian's Birthday

 Sebastian didn't care what kind of cake he had, so I made him and ant cake!!  He's obsessed with ants.  I don't know why, bees are better.  There it's in writing, he can't refute that (diabolical laugh😈).   

He was planning on running track, and since he had run cross country, we thought he'd like a Garmin watch.  But then he played tennis that spring.  He still likes it though.

And we had Isabel open her present early because she was running track and we thought she'd like it now. 
Efraim felt bad because he didn't have a gift for Isabel, despite us explaining it wasn't really her birthday.

Presents from siblings.  So sweet. 
He wanted sushi for his dinner.  
And steak.  Expensive tastes that kid. Good taste though.

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