Wednesday 2 October 2024

Aug. 23, 2023: La Candelaria y Plaza Bolivar

After going to the Gold Museum, we wandered around the Plaza Bolivar and the Candelaria.  It's the old section of Bogotá.  It's really cool, but unfortunately, seemed more rundown than when we were visited in 2009.  Maybe because there's less soldiers everywhere?  😂. That's kind of ironic. Anyway, from what I've heard it's far more dangerous now too.  I mean, I've gone more than once and it's fine during the day, you just have to be aware so that you're not pickpocketed.  We did get glared at by a soldier because we stopped by the Military Museum to see if it was open--it wasn't--and Jubal started climbing on the gates.  Not a good idea.  
This was a cool mural.  I like it.
We got some empanadas as a snack before we headed home in the rush hour traffic.  

It really is a pretty neighborhood.  Lots of hostels and tourist shops.
I love when you can see into the courtyards.

And despite llamas not really being used in Colombia, there's always llama rides/photo ops, like in Peru.
So sad.  
You can see Monserrate up on the hill. 
Awww, I love my cute kids.

So unbeknownst to me, (I was NOT aware of my surroundings), while I was taking these photos of Lando and Sebas, a creepy homeless person kept approaching me and while Leo asked him to leave once in Spanish (I didn't understand, so I was still unaware), he kept sidling up to me, until he scared me out of my skin because he was standing with only an inch between us, right behind me!!!  I was really pretty ticked with Leo that he didn't tell him off more forcibly, rather than his usual politeness.  Not only did it give me a heart attack, it scared the kids too. 
In fact one of the little boys had a nightmare about him that night.  Anyway, I made Leo promise to watch over us a little more aggressively after that.  

It was a beautiful afternoon though.  

I love the old doors. 
Anyway, it was a good day overall.  It was so nice to get out of the house!!!

Here's the video I made about our visit to Santa Barbara Hacienda and the Gold Museum, and shows us trying the giant ants.  They were not so great old and in Bogotá, when we had them fresh in Santander, they're really good!  

1 comment:

Elena said...

Video is broken