Wednesday 17 July 2024

Weekend with the Family!

We made it to Lava Hot Springs!!! (thanks to Lindsay's family)  One of our favorite places!  
I was awake occasionally.  But I love Idaho and my family and the fact that I can trust them to watch over my kids for me.  Not an easy task when Jubal's involved. 😂😉
The three E's-- Emeline, Elena, and Ethne. Love these girls!
We spent the entire day at Lava Hot Springs and then went to Megan's cabin in Liberty.
Good times!!!  Isabel jumped off platform 3 (30 feet) and Nicolas jumped off platform 2, and Jubal jumped off platform 1.  They were really brave!!
Efraim and Molly 

Sterling re-homed my plant to his office at the hospital.  😍😂
The next day we went to Bear Lake.  I think I was mentally checked out at this point because I didn't take any photos, and honestly I barely remember this day at all.  But thanks to Lindsay and her instagram I do have some photos!  Yay Lindsay!!  Hero again!!

I do know I stayed on the beach all day and just watched the kids. 

Then we spent another night at Megan's cabin.  One of my favorite places in the world. 

Quite the big group. 
Morning breakfast.  

So again the timing of all this is a bit hazy, and I can't make it work out what we were doing all that week, but we ended up at Megan's for Sunday, and Kirsten, my niece, opened her mission call to Dallas Texas.

It was a good time for all the kids.  

That Sunday morning continued our car woes however.  Seriously, it felt like it was never ending at this point.  Leo had driven up with a uhaul and towed the yellow car behind him.  We let Jethro (Kayli's son) use the yellow car while we lived in Colombia.  Anyway, he had to turn around and go back to work almost immediately, so on Sunday morning early I drove him to the airport in the yellow car.  On the way back, in Layton, the car started acting weird so I turned off Hwy 89 to try to make it to a gas station only I picked the wrong exit because it was straight neighborhoods with not a store in sight.  So then I tried to turn around and go back to the highway but by this time I literally was letting the car coast in neutral.  And so I didn't make it.  So then I waited on the side of the road for 45 minutes at 5:30 AM.  I hadn't brought my cell phone with me because it was like 3 AM when we left for the airport and I knew the way so I didn't bother.  Anyway, finally a couple stopped who worked night shift and often drove around after just for fun, so they were amazingly kind and drove me back to Megan's house.  And then later that day, Jared,  Brett, and some of the other teenage boys went and got the car and brought it to Megan's house with the Uhaul and hitch Leo had driven to Utah with.   We hadn't returned that yet.  Brett, I think, ended up driving the Uhaul up to his house, because most of the stuff was going there anyway.  And I returned it on Monday.  Seriously though, it was beyond being irritating and was to the point of being ridiculous, all the car trouble we were having and me being stuck that many times in one week on the side of the road. Sigh.

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