Wednesday 17 July 2024

Hanging with Kayli's Family

We spent the next little while at Kayli's house.  I was still kind of mess trying to take care of things with our broken cars and making sure we had everything ready to go to Colombia.  And my kids were just left there for a while because I had to go back to Denver and drive the SUV back.  I had so much help from my sisters and I'm so grateful for them.  

Cowen, Eli and Emeline were also staying with Kayli for a bit during that time. 

Jubal wants a dog so much, he loved being at Kayli's.

Aww, Elena is so cute!

Kayli took them to the marina to kayak and bridge jump.  
The one day I did have there, we took a walk at the marina.  And yeah, there's way too many photos but the sky was so pretty!
I think we decided this was a beaver.  But maybe an otter?
See, gorgeous!!!
Bald eagle!
Navy Bean!  I love that kid.
And Efraim!  I kind of like him too. 

Devaney looking gorgeous!

A school of fish.

I think I look a bit ragged in these photos.  Very accurate to how I felt.  

Elena, Isabel and Ethne took themselves out to ice cream.  They said it was good.

Baby Wyatt!!!!

Ana and Bud and Wyatt also came to Megan's that Sunday!!!   We were so excited to hold Wyatt!!!  He seriously is the cutest baby ever.  I mean, I might be a little biased, but I really do think he is so adorable!!!  Luckily Leo did get to hold him for a little bit before he flew out Sunday morning (remember the broken down car?!)

Megan kept trying to steal him from me.  Ruff.  

None of us have gotten to hold that kid near enough.  So sad!

Ana took these photos of him, she is such a good photographer!  And again, he is just so darn cute!!
