Sunday 1 October 2017

No wonder we go through cat food so fast.  Silly raccoons. They didn't even go away with me snapping photos at them.

It took a bit for Jubal to adjust to a school schedule.

We went to Utah for a weekend and it was so fun! Wyatt and Lindsay Ann were there and the kids had a blast playing with them and Megan's kids on Friday.  And then on Saturday Andrea came out too.

Best part was going to Women's Conference all together and then to Arctic Circle after.  I LOVE being close to my family. And on Sunday we went to Megan's and then off to home.  Sad part of the trip was that we were taking our red leather couch to Andrea and it was high winds driving out and the cushion  (which is one piece and velcroed to the base so we didn't think of taking it off) blew away on the freeway.  We drove back to look for it, adding an hour and an half to our trip, but never found it. And then it rained the last 2 hours on the couch anyway. So we took it to the dump instead of to Andrea.  So not happy about that.  And then we were supposed to bring a couch back from Megan's that she was giving us, but because it was still raining, we couldn't.  Ruff.  

I gave away a huge bin of fabric scraps to the elementary school art teacher which led me to pull out ALL my bins of fabric and then I reorganized them and took a picture of each fabric piece so I can catalog them.  Random.  I may be a fabric hoarder.

I love my husband.

And this happened:
First of all: He's fine. 2: I worked as a neuro nurse. Now to one of the worst experiences ever. I took Jubal upstairs to change his diaper and left Efraim downstairs. When I came out, Efraim had climbed (he's not quite 8 months old) to the top of the stairs and was rattling the baby gate. I said "Efraim!" In surprise. And he looked up at me, lost his balance, and tumbled head over heels to the very bottom of the stairs. It looked like a cartoon, literally head over heels. Seriously sickening. He's fine though. I called Leo and bawled on the phone after I checked him out. And now I'm fine. Second baby gate for the bottom of the stairs now on its way.

Also I've been trying to make curtains, so far just spent 3 hours sewing and then unpicked it all.  I did finish staining the curtain rod, finials, etc.  But I haven't even started the banister, except gluing in the wood plugs.  So much sanding and wood filling to do and that was supposed to be my Sept. project.  And now it's snowing--I wanted to finish when I could leave the windows and door open.  I did do a lot of canning (peaches, pickles, salsa, and tomatoes) in September though and four batches of raspberry jam, and tons of baking with zucchini. 

October is going to be sewing and more sewing though.  Although the banister MUST be finished. 

1 comment:

Kayli said...

Those pictures of Jubal are soooooooooooooooooooooo wonderful!!!! I love him!!!!