Sunday 24 April 2011

Camping Day 1

There is a billion pictures of our camping trip. I tried, but I couldn't help myself and so I posted about a million. Sebastian had a love/hate relationship with Anders's Artic Cat.
Elena on the other hand, was so very prim while being driven around.
Isabel and Anders helped haul back the firewood. And Anders decided to let Isabel drive. Luckily the Ford F150 was unscathed by her attack.
Here's our campsite. My sister had her trailer so we had a tent site right next to her trailer site. It was nice.
The lovely, muddy Virgin river was on the other side of our campsite.
Sebastian was in dirt and rock heaven. I swear dirt is the best entertainment for kids ever.
Megan, next to her Ranger that her husband swore he was going to get rid of after it got a flat out in the middle of the dessert and they spent four hours going back and forth to fix it.
This is what we did meanwhile. Okay, by the time I took this picture, Jared was back, but anyway, we spent four hours swimming. Well, Leo, Ana, and Elena did. I held Sebastian and Isabel.

Good times.

It was hard trying to get everyone in the picture.
While we were walking out, a lady came up to Leo and said, "I have never seen a guy play that long--YOU ARE THE BEST UNCLE EVER!" It was funny.

Elena spent a lot of her time in the spa, but once Anders and Isabel joined her, the adults there kicked them out.


Isabel, contemplating the deep questions of the universe.

Elena spent so much time in that floaty toy. She loved it! She actually was in the water almost constantly.
Ana, Myles, Danica, and Leo played a heated game of soccer (sort of) in the pool.

It was awesome. PLus at the end of all that swimming, Megan made us a delicious dutch oven dinner. So good.


Kayli said...

that looks like SUCH a fun time!!!!!
Way to go being the greatest uncle ever, Leo!

Kristi said...

so fun! I am jealous it is warm enough to swim in an outdoor pool.