Friday 24 September 2010


Ana's school offers Ballroom Dance as part of their after school 4H Club. So guess what Ana will be doing this year....yes, you guessed it, Ballroom Dance. She's actually fairly excited about it. It helps that we live in pretty much the Ballroom Dance Capital of USA (UVU's team is #2 in the nation and BYU's is #1--Yeah! BYU!!!) All the high schools, junior highs, and a lot of the elementary schools have teams.

The program has only been going 2 years at their school, but they've placed 1st in their level those last two years here:
Yes, they do compete at the National's, which is pretty darn cool if you ask me. Also very convenient because the National's are held at BYU. (Yeah!!! BYU!!!!) So if anyone (family members) would like to see her compete or see one of her shows, let me know, I have the schedule for the whole year.


Anonymous said...

That is soooo awesome! Do they let grandma's come and know......just to learn some on the side??? That's cool about BYU and UVU. Love the pics. Isabel is hilarious. What did you learn about 'measure twice, cut once' in this instance look at color twice, buy once!!!!hahahahaha Great job of sewing Kami, you are amazing. Love you. Mom

Lynn said...

Oooooo!!! I am squealing for her! What a lucky girl. I have always loved dance and hoped for opportunities like the ones she is getting. That is AWESOME!! She will have so much fun. Sure wished we lived closer. I would come and watch her practice everyday just to be a part.

Okay. That sounded creepy. LOL!

Seriously. Tell her congrats!

Our children are the future said...

I do! that is awesome!!!