Monday 26 August 2024

¡Vamos a Colombia!

 And off we went!!!  Kayli was a sweetheart and drove us to the SLC airport with our Expedition and trailer because that's how much stuff we had.  Crazy, it felt like not much to set up house with, but anyway, we were all super excited!

Sebastian was not happy with his new short haircut that I had given the boys at Kayli's house, so he's hiding.  Oops!
I love that Kayli took photos of us.  And it's funny, because as I write this I can still clearly remember being so excited and now looking at it, I'm trying to think, what should I bring back to the States?  Life happens so fast.

Goodbye USA!
I would just like to point out that I packed us brilliantly and nothing was over the weight limit, but right up to it. 
A little Cafe Rio once we got through security.  
And we were off to Dallas.

Food is essential to keeping people happy on long trips, I've found.  We had Thai at the Dallas airport, and good thing to, because our flight kept getting delayed, and then delayed more and finally it was cancelled.  Sigh.  

Yum yum!
Nicolas entertained us with yo-yo tricks while we waited for the hotel shuttle.  We hadn't packed any pjs, or toothbrushes or any overnight supplies at all, so we were very unprepared for a night at a hotel, and then Efraim had an accident that night, so I was rushing the next day to find him a new shirt (he had been using his as pjs) at the Dallas airport before we left.  The airline did give us some vouchers, so that was nice for breakfast.  But we eventually made it on the plane and the kids were so excited to fly over the ocean.
Ocean views!

And Colombia, with the Andes, is stunning to fly over!!  It's so beautiful!
Coming in to land in Bogotá.
We made it through immigration and customs and all that pretty painlessly. 
And Leo's uncle came and picked us up and took us to our hotel.  
Waiting for our rooms at the hotel.  We were tired out by this point.  
But we walked to a nearby restaurant, after depositing our luggage, and had yummy Mexican food.  Well, very un-spicey Mexican food (Colombia doesn't really do spicey except in ají).  But it was still good.

And then the next day Leo and I went and met with the real estate lady who gave us the keys and we went and signed the lease at the notary in quadruplicate.  And then we took a couple Ubers over to our apartment and started moving in. 
Here's the video I took of our apartment just to record its condition before we moved in.  Hence, boring.   But anyway, besides the one little bathroom off of the kitchen and the attic, it shows the whole place.
So more food because we went to Crepes and Waffles that night (the best restaurant ever!)

They have an awesome dessert menu that of course, the kids love!

So we made it to Bogotá!  A year later, and I still feel that it's sort of unreal being here.

And here's the fun version of all that!